The Sponsors Of Obamacare Repeal Are Trying To Fool America -- And Fellow Republicans | HuffPost

POLITICS 09/19/2017 07:01 pm ET Updated 1 day ago

The Sponsors Of Obamacare Repeal Are Trying To Fool America — And Fellow Republicans
Here’s what they’re not telling you, or their colleagues, about the bill.

By Jonathan Cohn

The co-sponsors of new Senate legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act are misleading America about the effects of their proposal. They may also be misleading their own colleagues.

The story Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.) tell about their legislation during speeches and news conferences is a straightforward, seemingly innocuous one ― that they are simply transferring money and authority away from the federal government.

To their colleagues in the Senate, Graham and Cassidy make a different, more nuanced pitch. With key Republicans nervous about what the bill would mean for coverage of their constituents, Graham and Cassidy are promising the vast majority of Republican states would end up with more money, not less, if the proposal becomes law. READ MORE IN THE ARTICLE.....
