Joe: We Are Seeing The Coming End Of The GOP | Morning Joe | MSNBC


The End of the Republican Party's Dominance in US Politics. 

Joe: We Are Seeing The Coming End Of The GOP | Morning Joe | MSNBC

MSNBC on YouTube
Published on Oct 25, 2017

The Morning Joe panel discusses Sen. Jeff Flake's bombshell speech
Tuesday on the Senate floor, where Flake announced he won't seek
re-election and said he rose 'today to say enough.'
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COMMENT: It is wonderful to see the Republicans unraveling and
destroying Trump and each other. They are eating their own. This party's
horrific policies and what they stand for, has gone on far too
unbearably long. It has gone on since Ronald Reagan became President on
January 20th, 1981. It has been unbearable. They have been destroying
this great country, which cannot take the destruction anymore. The whole
country is has been laid to waste with third world inner cities, rural
areas, especially in the South, collapsing infrastructure, highways and
roads with endless potholes that go back 37 years ago, poverty, hunger,
homelessness, endless wars and on and on. They are causing mass
destruction of the environment and are tearing apart the entire fabric
of the country by shredding Social Programs, by refusing to pass
Universal Healthcare and Universal Education and on and on. They have
shredded the American Constitution which calls for the welfare of the
citizens and the country.

If they succeed in destroying
themselves, they will not be able to tax American Taxpayers to death,
and give the wealthy huge tax cuts which they do not need and they do
not deserve. They have been the most corrupt and destructive political
party since 1964. They have no principles. They only work for the rich
who bribe them to do their bidding. The Koch brothers, the second
wealthiest family after the Waltons (of Walmart and Sam's Club fame)
want them to cut taxes on the wealthy, from which they would get a huge
tax cut themselves. Warren Buffet, the 3rd wealthiest man, has said
recently, "I do not need a $700,000 a year tax cut." Noam Chomsky has
called the Republicans the most dangerous organization in history."
After all the destruction and havoc they have caused, after seeing them
tear up the country and the rest of the world for decades, Professor
Chomsky's statement makes a lot of sense. -- Spyros Karayiannis


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Joe: We Are Seeing The Coming End Of The GOP | Morning Joe | MSNBC
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