The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell 10/11/17 TRUMP: WHAT'S THE 25TH AM...

"I hate everyone at the White House." -- Donald Trump, today and in the past few weeks.

OMG!!! Reportedly Trump is walking the hallways of the White house in a
very foul mood, talking to himself, speaking incoherently to his staff,
he seems to to be unraveling, being dysfunctional, and on and on. His
staff all want to get out of working for him anymore and will flee that
Trump Hellhole the very first chance they get. His chief of staff,
General John Kelly is reportedly staying so that if Trump, in his
madness, attempts to start a nuclear war, he will tackle him down to
the ground and hold him there. OMG! -- Summary of the film from tonight
program. -- Spyros Karayiannis
