What is the Meaning of Life ?- Bill Hicks Dinner With Andre - WATCH THIS...

What is the Meaning of Life ?- Bill Hicks Dinner With Andre - WATCH THIS IF YOU WANT TO BE HUMAN !

Published on Sep 14, 2008
A mashup with a brief introduction from the legendary Bill Hicks and the Peter Finch's Oscar winning performance in Network.

I saw Dinner with Andre on TV as a young man of 23 - I was amazed at the dialogue and the concepts the movie addresses which is basically just 2 talking heads exchanging ideas.

I hadn't seen it for over 25 years before stumbling upon it on YouTube - so I decided to create this mashup primer - from the f&*king heart !

The music is Eric Satie's Gymnopedie which is the music used for the end titles of the actual movie.

In the movie he talks about a Buddhist meditation at Findhorn and the importance of living in the moment - it was this movie that inspired me to find out more about the Buddha and Buddhism.
